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The circle of life

Round and round the wheel turns; the artist breathes life into clay. It is the circle of life.

Photography Andy Post-Process Andy Words Andy

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Forever Begins Today


Forever Begins Today! It’s William+Shan’s wedding day today and we’re off for the shoot. : )

10th July 2010 is going to be a Great Day! Let us all bless this day with LOVE.

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Everything has to start somewhere. Back in 2006, when I was still in the initial stages of building up Andessen DC, I had the opportunity to work with a friend at his company. During that time, I was feeling stuck and did not know what to do since my plans had fail one after the other. My thoughts then became that I could do with some change. My friend needed manpower help with some graphic works so I took up the job on a freelance basis.

From graphical layouts, I eventually went on to produce their product photos as well. It wasn’t that I was good at photography but in the amount of time with the jobs at hand, I’ve grown very fascinated with it. Back then I didn’t even own a DSLR but they had a Nikon D70 in their inventory. We needed images for the company website and product brochures. The product images have to look the part – which is slightly upmarket. My background in Product Design and Mass Communication probably helped in the development of these images. It became something that I enjoy doing. I would have a concept in mind, discuss it with the design team, get down to the photography and then go back to the team for feedback. They would then complete the works with the final touch up. I like the team effort which also allows me to be creative. The stint however lasted only for about half a year until my own schedule clashed with the team’s expectation.

The idea for Eubiq came from the company chairman’s vision of having an ubiquitous power plug that could be plugged in anywhere along a power strip. I thought that it was rather ingenious considering that there are many applications that this idea can work really well on. An application is to use it with the huge conference table in the meeting room. Imagine being able to plug in your laptop and any work devices anywhere along the tabletop. Wouldn’t that be convenient?

Ubiquitous – I learned a new word from the experience. Thinking back now, I was probably being ubiquitous too.

Photography Andy Post-process Andy Words Andy

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